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Property management companies are focused on delivering for their residents.  They need the right technologies to be more efficient and stay competitive in the market.  That's where CTC comes in as your trusted technology partner. We understand the needs of management companies, and we help them apply the best technologies to meet those needs.  We are a full-service IT services company, and we know how to keep things running, integrate existing systems with new technologies, and develop a strategy for long-term stability through managed services.
We have helped management companies successfully migrate from antiquated technologies, integrate systems, and utilize best practices to better serve their clients.  We don't stop with the implementation - CTS is there with you, providing best-in-class end-user helpdesk services and ensuring your systems and your teams operate efficiently. 

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Business applications, whether local custom applications or cloud-based solutions, all require ongoing maintenance and care to support your business processes.  Through constant monitoring and proactive maintenance, CTS ensures your applications are delivering their full potential.  We work to enhance the security of your environment while enabling the functionalities to improve your team's productivity.

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CTS is a proven leader in technology project management.  Whether you need a new system, enhancements to a current system, or integrations between systems, CTS is there to guide and deliver.  We utilize project management methodologies that are proven to improve the success of technology projects.

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Ready to move from your legacy environments?  CTS is there with you to ensure the journey is successful. Our focus on on the successful transition for your team - not just the technology.  We partner with you to develop change management plans to prepare your team for the change, configure your systems to meet your business needs, and migrate your data to your new platform.

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Keeping your team's technologies running is key to your business success.  CTS offers a best-in-class local helpdesk with multiple options for tailoring support to your specific business needs.  Need someone onsite to troubleshoot an issue?  CTS is Atlanta-based, providing support to you remotely or onsite without delays in response.

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